Oct 23, 2019
Dan and Ray talk about Artifical Intelligence for Good - things like using AI to count fish stocks in Darwin without having to risk your life from the crocs; and the use of AI to detect and prevent poaching in the national parks of southern Africa.
Now AI can recognise text, speech and images better than humans, there are lots of scenarios where it can help us to achieve more.
Ray talked about Microsoft's AI for Good competition for schools, and the ideas that the teams pitched at the national finals in Sydney. More information on the finalists is here.
The 2019 competition is over, but it's not too early to register for the 2020 competition here: https://aiforgood.com.au/
Slightly off topic, Dan mentions https://www.how-old.net/ which uses AI to tell you how old you look; Ray talks about apps to help detect autism
Ray puts Dan on the spot about having a house full of smart speakers and how he uses them, which Dan uses as an opportunity to try and re-direct listeners' Alexa devices (warning: if you're listening to this through your Alexa, you could end up listening to Baby Shark halfway through!)